February-MarchWebsite launchedWhitepaper releasedContract AuditPre-launch MaretingAirdropShilling ΡontestEverUp launchListing on CMCListing on CGListing on BTOKPartnerships with influencers10,000 holdersLaunch big BuyBack & Burn circle
Website launched
Whitepaper released
Contract Audit
Pre-launch Mareting
Shilling Ρontest
EverUp launch
Listing on CMC
Listing on CG
Listing on BTOK
Partnerships with influencers
10,000 holders
Launch big BuyBack & Burn circle
April-MayMarketing: EverUp goes mainstreamAirdrop for holdersEverUp StakingEverUp SwapListing on BitmartListing on MEXCListing on Gate.ioWebsite redesignDashboard development
Marketing: EverUp goes mainstream
Airdrop for holders
EverUp Staking
EverUp Swap
Listing on Bitmart
Listing on MEXC
Listing on Gate.io
Website redesign
Dashboard development
June-July-AugustMore will be determined by the community and announced later.
More will be determined by the community and announced later.
Last updated 3 years ago